Medical Laboratory and Its Services


Intro: Medical Laboratory and Its Services

It is a clinical laboratory where the tests are done on the patients in order to know about patient’s health and the risk affected by the diseases. The test are done by the medical technologist or medial lab technician who performs many analyzes on body fluids such as sputum, blood, urine etc

The role of the medical lab technician is to perform accurate results and deliver it to the patients in a timely manner. They are very eager to discover something new to this world because they have given many suggestions to solve the incurable diseases found in our body.

Medical laboratory professionals work in many fields:Government hospitals, private hospitals, clinics, research center, biology laboratory, public health centers, the Armed Forces, veterinary offices, colleges, business, and industries.

The laboratory medicine departments has been classified in two types

• Anatomic pathology
• Clinical pathology

Anatomic pathology

It deals with the tissue diagnosis of disease. The tissue on which the diagnosis is made may be biopsy material taken from a patient in the operating theatre, on the ward or from an autopsy (post-mortem). This type of test is mainly done for the sudden or unexpected death for investigating the disease, progression and lack of treatment and it is also used for the police investigations.

Clinical Pathology

The clinical pathology decisions are based on the results of the lab test where the lab technician performs many analyzes on body fluids and the finally prepare a report for the patients. They are usually trained in chemical pathology, microbiology, hematology and blood banking, thoughnot in as much detail as subspecialists in each field. The clinical pathologist is often called as medical doctors. Microscopes, analyzers, strips, centrifugal machines are the tools used by the clinical pathologist to examine the specimens.

Pathologists and medical laboratory professionals are the backbone of the medicine. Their field of exploration includes a vast span, from gross human anatomy to the genetic and molecular particles that affect it. They are the researchers, the investigators, and some say the real heroes of medicine. For more information regarding the medical laboratory and Bestcare labservices you may log on to: