Medicinal Plants – Advantages and Disadvantages


Intro: Medicinal Plants – Advantages and Disadvantages

Many medicinal plants are used in medicines and often used as drugs as well. You must use them as they are meant to be, there are effects and side-effects of everything, but researching and taking an expert’s opinion is your duty if you want to take in the normal effects and get rid of the side-effects.

Plants that used as both medicine and drugs

Some plants that use both as drugs and medicine and even food in certain cases are valerian, kratom, and many others. The effects of these plants depend upon their consistency as well as their dosage. Most of the time this a rule, that when taken in larger quantities the plants can get heavy for the body to withstand and cause a state o half-sleep.

When taken in an optimized and recommended quantity then these plants serve medicinal purposes like relaxants and painkillers. Now, how you use it you have to decide yourself. Because in the end, everything is user-dependent.


Following are some advantages that you get from medicinal plants when taken in a normal quantity recommended by doctors: ·

  • They can help control blood pressure by calming down the person ·
  • They can prevent heart diseases ·
  • They can also minimize the chances of cancer in a person because they have anti-oxidant properties.
  • They stabilize hormonal activities and regulate the metabolism of the body.


  • If taken in a larger quantity then the prescribed one, the plants' medicines and foods can be very dangerous:
  • · If overdosed most medicinal plants act like drugs and can put a person in a state of dizziness and confused
  • · People use medicine plants especially as drugs, for example, some like kratom are rolled and lit up to be used as cigarettes such as marijuana is used ·
  • Some can even be toxic when used in high dosage and can cause liver dysfunctions and eventually death in certain cases.

How to use them?

The medicinal plants are used in different forms. Some people use plants that are herbal in the form of tea. The best example of that is green tea leaves. Kratom is found in many forms. To eat it and use it in food it is found in crushed and powdered form. It is also used as tea by some people. For medicinal purposes, it is found in the form of kratom capsules. In the form of the drug, people roll and burn it and inhale the smoke.

All plants that are used for medicinal purposes are seen under the control of a higher authority because they can be dangerous when overdosed and people often do this, so the government keeps a check on it. It also depends upon yourself, being a responsible citizen you have to decide yourself. Always take the opinion and advice of an expert or doctor when using these plants. And remember always take them in smaller quantities in which they act as a stimulant and never in higher quantities in which they can damage your body functioning.