Introduction: Embroidered Ceramic Pieces (mexican Themed)

Game of two ceramic pieces with embroidery in a Mexican pattern.

This pieces are ready for keep chocolates or the Candy of yor preference, you can even use them as a decorative planter for fake or real cactus or succulents. They will bring a Mexican touch in your home but in a stylish and minimalist way.

Step 1: Supplies

White clay
Embroidery needle
Embroidery floss or yarn (any color of your preference)
Color glaze (any color of your preference)
Pottery tolos (sponge, riboon tool and steel scraper)

Step 2: Knead the Clay

Your clay will initially be square shaped. Use a sound flat surface to round out the corners. Then knead the piece of clay until its even, it must be not too dry and not too wet.

After kneading, form a sphere shape with the clay.

Step 3: Place the Clay on the Wheel

With the clay in your dominant hand, raise your hand 1-2 feet above your wheel. With moderate force smash clay onto your wheel aiming for the relative center. Be sure not to throw the clay at your wheel; your hand should not leave the clay on the way down. Once the clay is down, hit it a few times with the flat of your hand to make sure that it thoroughly sticks to your wheel.

Step 4: Center the Clay

Using your sponge thoroughly wet your clay. Turn your wheel on a medium to fast speed. Place your left palm on the left side of your clay, and your right palm to the top. Use your hands to create pressure on the clay. The goal is to center your clay on the wheel.

Watch the pressure you put on your hands. If you put more pressure on your left hand, the clay will become taller. If you add more pressure on your right hand, your clay will flatten. Centering may take several minutes to get the clay perfectly centered, make sure you continue to add water throughout.

Step 5: Shape Your Ceramic Piece

Once the clay is centered open it putting using your thumbs, slowly press your thumbs down in the center of the circle so it can be established the bottom tickness of the piece, don't forget to add wáter constantly.

Now that you have confirmed the depth of your pot we will widen the opening. Put your wheel on a medium spin. Using both thumbs, reach into your pot. With fingers running gently along the bottom, draw the clay towards you. Doing the slowly will ensure that your pot remains centered. You can use your sponge too ease the process.

Then lift the pot using the sponge and your hand as a support, slowly press each one towards each other while pushing the clay wall upwards.

Finally, after desiding the open and the height of the pot, start shaping it. We did a shape with different inclinations.

Step 6: Dismount Pot

After you finished your pot, stop the Wheel and cut the bottom of your piece with the clay cutter tool, and dismount the piece off the wheel, use scrapers to ease the process.

Step 7: Trim the Pot

Put the finished pot on the Wheel, center it and then place some supports of knead clay, that will help us to anchor the piece to the Wheel, use the ribbon tool to trim the upper edge and the Steel scraper to soften the faces of the pot, add wáter to the Steel scraper so it can run easily through. Then turn the piece upside down and repeat the process.

Step 8: Measure the Holes

First measure the vertically separation of the holes, then make small marks through all the perimeter of the pot, then join them all together with the help of a piece of thread, decide the horizontal separation of the holes and mark them again through all the pot, then use the needle tool to make the holes, go through the Wall of the pot with caution so that it doesn't break.

Step 9: Decoration of the Pot

Bake the piece in the special oven and then glazed it with the color of your preference using your paintbrushes, then baked it again.

After you got the final result, go and reach your needle and embroidery floss or thread, put the thread through the eye of your needle, then start embroidering your design on the holes, we did a mexican pattern with the colors Green, blue, orange and pink.

When you fished the pattern, knot the ends of the thread inside the pot, then cut the leftover ends.

Step 10: Final Product

Step 11: