Minecraft LAN Party Setup


Intro: Minecraft LAN Party Setup

This is a tutorial for how to set up a multi-player Minecraft game over a Local Area Network (LAN). This does not require an internet connection, only a router.

What you will need:

- At least two computers capable of running Minecraft (wifi optional)
- A router (wifi optional)
- An Ethernet (cat5) cable for each computer (not required if the router and computers are wifi capable)


Done this a few times while it's raining at camp. Keeps the little ones entertained.
No Internet, just a wifi capable router and 2 laptops with wifi that can run minecraft.
Fantastic game.
I believe the correct wording would be wifi capable, Internet optional.

I read the wording to mean that If you just set it up using the cat5 cable you don't need to have a wifi capable device.