Introduction: Mini Fishing Game
I made this project and give it to my step mom on mother's day last year and i thought it would be perfect for this web set please enjoy.
Step 1: Things You Well Need.
- Plastic resealable bottle
- Drill or hole punch
- Cup or the the same bottle bottle
- String (not shown in picture)
- Zip ties
- Scissors(also not shown in picture)
- Popsicle stick
- Water.
(I have water flavoring in the picture but you don't need it.)
Step 2: Cut Bottle
Cut the bottle in haft. When you looking for a bottle make sure you have a tall bottle.
Step 3: Popsicle Stick
Take your popsicle stick and drill a hole near the top. Then when tie a string (that's half the size of the original bottle) throw the hole. Add a hook shaped zip tie to the string.
Step 4: Fish
Make little lops with zip tie's, twist the ends and cut the excess off. Make 10 to 15 of these.
Step 5: How to Play
- Add water to you cup or bottom of the bottle.
- Place the other part of the bottle in the cup or bottle with water in it.
- Put the fish you created in to the cup of water.
- Set a timer for 30 sec.
- In that 30 sec. try to collect all the fish with the popsicle stick.
- Then switch with the other person.
- Who ever gets more wins.
Have fun. :)