Mini Handheld 1 Player Table Tennis/Ping Pong


Intro: Mini Handheld 1 Player Table Tennis/Ping Pong

This instructable will be a step by step guide to creating a handheld table tennis game. The product is easy to make with common materials you can find around the house. The game is 1 player but will still be tons of fun!

STEP 1: Building the Base

For this step you will need -


Green Paper - Optional


Cut out an 18cm x 10cm rectangle piece of cardboard. If you have green paper, cut it out with the same dimensions as the cardboard and glue it on top of the cardboard.

STEP 2: Creating the Outline - Optional

For this step you will need -

White Paper - Optional


Cut out two strips of paper with a length of 10cm and a width of 0.5cm and glue them on the two shorter sides. Then, cut out another two strips, but with a length of 18cm and a width of 0.5cm. Glue these two strips on the longer sides.

STEP 3: Making the Net

For this step you will need -



Cut out a 2.5cm x 10cm piece of cardboard and glue it in the middle of the court. (About 9cm from the edge)

STEP 4: Making the Handle

For this step you will need:

Empty Toilet Paper Roll


Stick the empty toilet paper roll on the middle of the bottom of the court. This is what you will use as a handle!

STEP 5: How to Play

This is when you will need the ball, you can start by dropping the ball onto either side of the court, then use the court to bounce the ball up and make it land on the other side. Keep on repeating this process until you fail, remember to keep track of your score!

Good Luck!