Introduction: Mini Lego USS Kelvin

About: Cosplayer and artist, i also enjoy making neat stuff out of Legos. You can follow me on Twitter (@TheMagicalMark) to check out more of my artwork.
This will show you how to make a Lego model of the USS Kelvin from Star Trek. (and video game. Armada II)

The steps are in the photos, i have highlighted the pieces you need to add.

Note: Due to the odd shape there is no stand for this model as of now, I'll update this as soon as i make one.

See also:

Step 1: The Pieces.

Here is a list of pieces you need to build this model.

Step 2: The Main Body.

First we'll build the main part of the Kelvin.

Step 3: Upper Engine.

Next is the upper engine that goes on the top.

Step 4: Lower Thruster.

Now the big engine on the bottom.

Step 5: Done!

Now your done! Enjoy!