Miss La Sen Quilling Paper


Intro: Miss La Sen Quilling Paper

Miss La Sen is the fictional character in Sorim story boardgame, Hi La Sen- Hi Nice Life song...specially Miss La Sen spring rolls.

STEP 1: Use This Pattern. Print It or Draw It in A4 Size Paper.

STEP 2: Use the Quilling Needle and the Quilling Strips, White Glue.

STEP 3: Insert the Quilling Paper Into the Quilling Needle.

STEP 4: Roll the Paper Into a Coil.

STEP 5: Glue the End With a Dab of White Glue.

STEP 6: Use the Yellow Quilling Strip to Glue Around the Face.

STEP 7: Using Two Fingers to Squeeze an End of the Coil. It Has the Tear Drop Shape.

STEP 8: Make 2 Pink Coils for the Pink Cheeks.

STEP 9: Make 5 Tear Drops for the 5 Petal-flower on the Right Ear.

Make 2 black coils for the eyes. Make an orange coil and squeeze like the mouth

STEP 10: Roll the Blue Paper Into a Coil and Squeeze It at 4 Corners for the Rectangle. Put It in the Center of the Bow.

Make 2 orange parts for the headband.

STEP 11: Erase the Pencil Lines. Make Some Branches, Flowers Under Miss La Sen Head.

STEP 12: Write Some Hand Writing Letters.

STEP 13: Done. You Have Miss La Sen Head Quilling Paper.