Miss La Sen Magnet


Intro: Miss La Sen Magnet

Miss La Sen is a lucky, protective symbol in Sorim story boardgame, Miss La Sen spring rolls

STEP 1: Download This Pattern

STEP 2: Print It Out in A4 Size Paper.

STEP 3: Trace Miss La Sen's Head on the Piece of Foam and Cut It Down.

STEP 4: Trace the Dress on the Foam and Cut It Down.

STEP 5: Cut the Flower, Headband and Use the Glue-gun to Glue Them Like This Picture

STEP 6: Cut the Bow and Glue It Onto the Headband

STEP 7: Cut the Eyes, Cheeks, Mouth, Shoes... Glue Them Like the Picture.

STEP 8: Take a Magnet and a Wooden Clip

STEP 9: Cut the Arms and Glue Them Like This

STEP 10: Cut the Blue Foam Rectangle and Glue It Onto the Wooden Clip.

STEP 11: Glue Miss La Sen Onto the Wooden Clip

STEP 12: Glue the Magnet Onto the Wooden Clip

STEP 13: Done. You Have Miss La Sen Handmade Magnet