Moldable Wood Plastic Composite (WPC)


Intro: Moldable Wood Plastic Composite (WPC)

Those who like to work with wood must have noticed how this activity generates a lot of waste! And you certainly wondered if there wasn't an alternative use for so much wasted wood. In the steps of manufacturing a wooden artifact, a lot of waste, such as sawdust and wood chips, is generated. These wastes vary in size and quantity, and can be used to form so-called WPCs (wood and plastic composites).

In this tutorial you will learn not only how to recycle the waste generated in your logging activity, but also the possibility of using other cellulose residues such as sisal fibers, piassava, paper etc. Usually the so-called WPC (wood and plastic composites) are manufactured in expensive processes using plastic extruders and injectors, where previously selected sawdust residues are mixed with plastic pellets that, when heated, allow their mixing. However, there are advanced polymer recycling processes where this can be done without the use of machines and at much lower temperatures using the polymer solubilization technique. Of course, you can use thermosetting polymers such as polyester and epoxy, but a better and greener alternative would be to use plastic waste from packaging waste that is plentiful and of no commercial value, such as Styropor® (expandable EPS polystyrene), which otherwise it would pollute the environment or, at the most, be dumped in landfills. Whether to use it as a paste for your 3D printer, or as a moldable mass for sculptures, or for molding with molds, the interesting thing is that the residue of this material, when it exists by cutting, drilling or sanding, can have its residues used again to make more moldable wood mass.

The same manufacturing process can be used with plastics such as: ABS, HIPS, cellulose acetate and acrylic.

What you will see next in this tutorial is taken from my patents and research developed in my doctoral thesis on ecocomposites. PI 0100139-6 A2. This patent is available for didactic purposes and for artisans. For commercial uses, please contact the inventor.

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STEP 1: Dissolving Styrofoam

To dissolve the Styrofoam you will need a glass jar or a solvent resistant plastic such as those made of PP and PE.

To avoid splashing, wear goggles. Wear a solvent resistant rubber or plastic glove, Protect your workplace with a solvent resistant plastic. Do this activity in an open and ventilated environment.

1- Put just a little solvent in the container

2- Then start to place pieces of Styrofoam until the solvent stops dissolving

3- A white mass that resembles chewing gum will form. remove it from the pot wearing gloves.

STEP 2: Making Composite Dough

Now that you've dissolved the Styrofoam and you have something like modeling clay.

1-On a table covered with solvent-resistant plastic, add wood sawdust and work like a baker.

2- Add wood sawdust gradually and always knead the mass so that the plastic mass absorbs the sawdust. The more wood sawdust the mass absorbs, the faster it will dry afterwards, as it helps in evaporating the solvent from within the mass,
From time to time, use a little solvent to help the sawdust stick to the plastic putty.

STEP 3: Using Moldable Wood Putty

Now that you have the moldable wood mass ready, you can experiment with making small sculptures or placing them in plastic or silicone molds.

Allow to dry for 2- to 4 days in a ventilated place and out of the sun. Once dry you can still drill, cut, sand and polish. The residues now generated in these operations are plastic with wood sawdust, and can be turned into mass simply by adding a little solvent. Here nothing is lost, everything is transformed.


Eu amei, sou louca por todo tipo de reciclagem, adorei parabéns
What are the health hazards of sawdust created by drilling/sawing this composite? Thank you.
Pergunta muito interessante! Ao cortar, lixar ou furar, você vai notar que diferente da madeira e outros materiais, quando se trabalha o eco compósito as partículas geradas não ficam em suspensão no ambiente. Isso acontece pois com presença do PS que é um polímero termoplástico, o atrito do processo derrete o plástico que aglutina mais partículas que fazem ele ficar pesado e precipitando rápido no chão do ambiente. A superfície do material também acaba selando pelo espalhamento do polímero fundido sobre o mesmo. Por isso em muitos casos nem polir é necessário. Mas como se trata de material contendo polímero não biodegradáveis, sugiro coletar o resíduo por aspiração para garantir não se espalhar pelo ambiente e usar máscara para não inalar o material que eventualmente esteja em suspenção no ar .Esses resíduos podem depois facilmente ser coletados e reciclados pelo processo por solubilização novamente.
Thanks very much for the information!
Fascinating! I work in a shop which generates large quantities of acrylic chips and shavings - I wonder if I could approximate this with those.

Does the wood make the plastic more resistant to UV, you think? This seems like a very cool material to use for small outdoor decoration or objects, but its my understanding that styrenes break down in the sun..
Sim, existem estudos que demonstram uma melhora da resistência a deterioração do PS por UV quando misturado a participado de madeira.
Da mesma forma como o Poliestireno pode ser solubilizado, o acrílico também pode. O solvente mais comum para acrílico é o formol. Faça alguns testes e nos mostre como ficou !
This is awesome! Thank you for sharing.
Can you give some examples by chance of the specific solvents you recommend?
A good solvent for this activity is nitrocellulose paint thinners. They contain a combination of solvents such as toluene (aromatic hydrocarbons) and ethanol that create this plastic colloid ideal for making dough with wood sawdust or vegetable fibers.