Money Hide Away


Intro: Money Hide Away

Have you ever wanted to hide your money? Maybe your siblings keep taking it or a friend needs to "barrow" it all the time. Well here is an easy way, it helps a lot.

STEP 1: Materials

You will need
Duck tape
Money or whatever you want to hide
A hiding place

STEP 2: Strips

Make strips the size of why you need to hide. Make two if you are trying to hide money, one for the front and one for the back.

STEP 3: Putting Together

Tape the two sides together.

STEP 4: Putting It In

Put your item or money in and put a piece on top so you cant see in.

STEP 5: Hiding

Put it where ever you want to hide it. I hid mine in a monopoly box, under the money holder.

STEP 6: Tada

Now you have a great hidden item... You can use it as a treasure hut or keep it to your self. What ever you do with it, enjoy!! :)


What ever you make it big enough for
Just take off the part you sealed it with
how do u open it after it has been sealed?