Introduction: Monogram Wood and Cork Coasters

I was in a bit of trouble, as I hadn't got my grandparents any gifts for Christmas, so I knocked these up in an evening.

Step 1: Material

You will need:
-Hot glue/wood glue
-Thin scrap wood
-A pencil
-A straight edge (I used a steel rule)

Step 2: Preperation O' the Wood

First, select your piece of wood.
Then, mark it to your preferred size.
Cut/saw to size.
I suggest the cutting is done on a (funnily enough) on a cutting board.

Step 3: Cutting the Cork

Select your cork/s.
Slice it/them into rings of equal thicknesses.

Step 4: Attaching the Cork

Heat your glue gun (or not, if your using wood glue).
Put a blob of glue on the wood and place a ring of cork upon it.
Repeat the above until you have your pattern.

Step 5: Trimming the Cork

Place the board upside-down on a cutting board and slice along the edges.

Step 6: Attaching the Wood

Unfortunately I lost the pictures of scaling the wood.

Place the desired shapes of wood on the cork board, and trace around them.
Remove the wood, and slice along the traces, then glue the wood in place.

Step 7: Finishing

Simply sand along the edges and corners and smooth over the surface.

You now have a simple, but elegant coaster/s.