Introduction: Moon Station Powered Moon Lamp
This instructables show how to add a rechargeable Moon station light source to make a portable Progressive Detail Moon Lamp.
Step 1: Why Moon Station?
A portable Moon Lamp require a light source; And the light source require a power switch and recharge plug socket.
The switch and socket make the Moon surface not perfect. How about make it look like a Moon station? It can explain why part of the Moon become unnatural :P
Step 2: 3D Printing
Download and unpack the STL file from thingiverse:
3D print the model with white filament. I am print it with 0.1 mm layer height, no support required.
Step 3: Light Source
The interior of the Moon station is 28 mm in diameter and reserved a micro USB port window.
This time, I am using a tiny LED drive board with charging circuit. It originally designed for 18650 LED flashlight, you can use any similar light source in hand.
Step 4: Soldering Work
Connect power switch, LED drive board, Lipo battery and LED altogether.
Step 5: Hot Glue Work
Since soldered circuit not in perfect shape, simply use hot glue fix it into the Moon station. I recommend fix the switch first then align the LED drive board to the USB port window.
Step 6: Install Moon Station
Use a coin screw the Moon station into the Moon.
Step 7: Charging
The USB port window designed at the side but not the bottom, so that you can screw up the Moon station a little bit and plug the USB power for charging. At the same time, you can treat it as a decent decoration on your desk.
Step 8: Happy Night!
It's time to show what you have done with friends at night!