Mount a TV Without Putting Holes in the Wall


Intro: Mount a TV Without Putting Holes in the Wall

This is a guide on how to mount a TV without putting holes in the wall and cheaply. Some background, I live in a college dorm and we are not allowed to put holes in the wall so I decided I would build a "fake wall" using just tension between the ceiling and floor.

Things you will need:

  • A TV to mount
  • A normal TV wall mount
  • 2 - 2x4's long enough to go from floor to ceiling (make sure you buy good quality)
  • 4 - 4x4 pieces of 3/4 plywood or what ever you have lying around that can distribute the weight
  • Normal wood shims
  • optional 2 - 4x4 pieces of foam to protect ceiling.

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STEP 1: Measure and Cut Wood

First things first find out where you want to mount the TV and make sure it will fit.

Next, measure how far apart you want your beams it varies with every TV mount I used tape on the floor and ceiling to make leveling easier.

Measure from floor to ceiling then subtract out the exact thickness of the plywood twice (one will go on the floor the other on the ceiling). If you are using foam then subtract about half the thickness.

Now you want to cut make sure when cutting the beams you cut a little smaller to allow for the shims.

STEP 2: Put It Up

This part is a little tricky set it up like the photos first put the plywood piece on the floor with a shim on top. Put the beam on top of that, the easiest way to get it up is to put the piece of plywood in place on the ceiling the wedge the beam under it so its tight.

To tighten you want to hold the beam and hammer the shims as far as you can. See if you can pull the beam done with your weight if you can move it it needs to be tighter.

STEP 3: Mount the Mount

Next, put up the TV mount I used bolts with washers, lock washers, and nuts but you can use a traditional wood screw if you are careful not to split the beam. Also make sure you use a level my mount had a level installed on it. Once you have the mount up try it with your body weight if it holds your golden!

Lastly put the TV up!


I'd seen this Instructable before, but didn't really have a need. Fast forward a bit, and I'm trying to figure out how to mount my 48" flatscreen TV in a corner. It has to come out at least 24 inches to provide space for the screen, so I was considering bolting a 2x12 across the corner, bolted into the studs...but I was worried about the downward force from the TV (it's not a NEW 48" flatscreen).

This might work perfectly. I'm not worried about holes in the wall, so I'll probably screw a stabilizing 2x4 from each upright to the stud in the wall which should mostly be hidden by the TV.

Thanks for getting my gears turning again!

Hey, this looks like a great solution. I rigged up stuff like this a lot when I lived in dorms.

I wonder if another solution might be some kind of minimalist stand... same two upright boards, but with a base of some kind. Just thinking what I might do in a similar situation... :)

Good work, I enjoyed seeing your solution!

Thanks, I thought about doing that but my TV is very heavy and I'm not sure how well it would distribute the weight. But let me know if you do it and how it turns out.

This seems more extensive than just putting some plaster on the wall after taking down the TV and painting the small patch
Maybe, but my TV is very heavy and would have to be screwed to a stud and since I live in a refurbished military barracks the walls are either metal or brick. Also this provides a solution to be mounted anywhere in the room.
not sure I would trust that... considering it may cost you a tv

As long as you tighten the shims as much as you can it can easily hold 150 pounds. My TV in the pictures is an old LCD that's 70 pounds and it's been holding steady for about a month!