Moving Mad Eye Cyborg Headpiece Costume


Intro: Moving Mad Eye Cyborg Headpiece Costume

I have made another really quick costume for Halloween because I have a party this weekend and I didn’t wanted to repeat.

Again I decided to go simple and use scrap items I had already on my house, this time I opted for prosthetics like a headpiece or something similar.

I came with this idea based on the character Mad Eye Moody from harry potters film

The problem was the moving eye, so I thought on filming an eye moving on my cellphone and reproduce it as a gif or filming an eyeball moving in the vine app.

STEP 1: Stuff and Material Needed

So the items I used are:

  • Foam US Letter size (5 sheets)
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Black Acrylic Craft Paint
  • Silver Metal Acrylic Craft Paint
  • Scissors, brushes, cutter

Additionally I used:

  • An iPhone 4s with Vine app (moving eye cyclic video) or Digital Dudz app

STEP 2: Making the Headpiece

I didn’t use any guide I just used my imagination to work out the final result so If you are making your own no worry and just follow de process adding your own details. I believe the hard part is making the pocket for the cellphone.

I started by making the pocket for the cellphone, as the cellular is really big I modified my initial thought and opted for a combination between mad eye moody and a Steampunk futuristic design.

For the pocket I glued strips of foam together to match the width of the iPhone leaving the side of the top open, then made a big circle for the eye and I cut the rectangle and glued it to another sheet of foam to make the headpiece.

At this point I didn’t like the way it looked so I added a triangular shape to the side of the rectangle.

Then I cut the sheet to form an eye-patch like thing, which encircled my head and I just cut the excess foam and added more to complete the circle.

When I wear it at the beginning the cellphone was lying flat on my forehead and didn’t looked straight as I wanted so I added rolls of foam to the interior to correct this problem.

I also added a strip of foam to the left side that acts like a rest for the left ear so the prop stays in place.

STEP 3: Making the Headband

Then I cut the sheet to form an eye-patch like thing, which encircled my head and I just cut the excess foam and added more to complete the circle. (For wearing it like a headband resting the weight on my ears)

When I wear it at the beginning the cellphone was lying flat on my forehead and didn’t looked straight as I wanted so I added rolls of foam to the interior to correct this problem. I also added a strip of foam to the left side that acts like a rest for the left ear so the prop stays in place.

STEP 4: Detailing and Painting

Talking about the details I just added more foam of various random shapes. And some small circles to simulate bolts.

For the paint I used acrylic paint in black for the base coat and silver for the details to pop out.

STEP 5: Final Results

The final result was a success, you just need to run the app, insert the phone and presto.

I just added a gas mask that I bought at Home Depot and used a black leather jacket with hat for the looks.

I would love to see I you make one of this, post a comment with the photo.