Music With Pi


Intro: Music With Pi

This Instructable will show how to write a song using the digits of the number Pi.

STEP 1: Go to Chrome Music

Go to the following link and choose Song Maker.

STEP 2: Digits of Pi

Open another tab so you can search for the digits of Pi. There are infinite digits but you only need as many as the length of the song you want to write.

STEP 3: Assign Notes a Number

Every column represents a note or chord. Starting at the bottom assign each color representing a note the digits (bottom) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (top).

STEP 4: Write Some Notes

Following the digits of Pi place the notes that correspond with the correct color.

STEP 5: Play Your Song

Play your song. Experiment with instruments, tempo, etc. Have fun!


post a vid of your song. I want to hear it. my school denied access to song maker for me