Introduction: My 1st Iot Device With GeekNesia + Arduino Uno + Ethernet Shield and DHT21 Via PubSub Method
Geeknesia is an Internet Of Things platform , kind of like ThingSpeak but it's from Indonesia :) . GeekNesia still Beta i hope there will be some other kind feature soon. I use Arduino uno and Ethernet shield for send DHT21's data (Humadity and Temperature) from my lab to geeknesia.
Step 1: Set Up Your Tools
Step 2: Register to GeekNesia
Register with your email on the right side of the website and Confirm it.
Step 3: Add New Device
Click add new Device , and then fill it with your device name, device type ,and location of your device. and Click Create.
Step 4: Your Device Information
Yeaay you got some unidentified letters !. Device ID , Username , Password , and API key these are the information of your device , it will we use in our arduino code . Keep it secret ok ;) . and don't forget to download the arduino default code on the page.
Step 5: The Code
After download the code on the Website , modify it . Use your Device ID , Username and Password information from geeknesia to modify the code.
Set the IP address based on your network address and set the MAC address based on your ethernet code in your ethernet shield check your ethernet shield box or stiker that attach on your board.
If your code is ready, then upload the code to your arduino .
Step 6: Congratulation... Your Device Is Online Now
the notification will not set your device connected every second because your device send the sensor data for every 30 second . But it's still awesome hahaha . Congratulation ;)