Introduction: My Pallet Coffee Table
Chevron pattern pallet coffee table.
Step 1:
I started out with a 2' x 4' piece of 3/4" plywood. I found the center of that plywood, lengthwise, and glued and brad nailed a 1/2" x 1/2" stick down the center to break the chevron pattern.
Step 2:
I then ripped the pallet boards to the same width, and mitered 45 degree cuts to one end. I laid out the pallet boards to mix up the colors, glued and nailed them to the plywood, and trimmed the excess.
Step 3:
Then I wrapped it with 3/4" binding, with mitered corners, to hide the ugly edge.
Step 4:
Legs were mitered to a 10 degree angle on both ends, skirting was cut to fit, and pocket hole screwed everything down. *Note, I attached the legs and skirting before staining, this being my first attempt. From now on, I will be staining legs and skirting prior to screwing them in place to keep things as neat as possible.
Step 5:
Now that everything is tight, I painted three coats of polyurethane over the top and edges.
Step 6:
And BINGO! Just like that, you have a table.