My Rubik's Puzzles


Intro: My Rubik's Puzzles

This Everyone I got that's not broken


Why do you have four Rubik's brand 3x3x3s, but not a single speedcube??

An instructable on how to solve a rubik's cube..........HERE

I find it strange how you have a 11x11, but not a single speed cube. Still great collection
I find it strange how you have a 11x11, but not a single speed cube. Still great collection
Where do u get all these
i have solved all but the 11x11
Actually nevermind, i just solved the 11x11 a few weeks ago so that means the new answer to your question iiiiiiiisssssss..... yes
Yeah, I got 2 from v- cube to replace it though.
Also, he no longer has the big 2x2. We got bored and hit it with a golf club out in a field to try to get to the mechanism. That sort of failed, rather obviously. It was fun, though!
But did you solve them?
He could have just bought them and kept them solved, though.