My Simple K'nex Torture Machine


Intro: My Simple K'nex Torture Machine

This is my simple knex torture machine. It doesn't take many pieces and if used correctly, it can sting really bad. Escpecially on the arms! (be carefull bc it can fling and break and hurt someone. im not liable for any injuries caused be carelessness.)

Thank you!

STEP 1: Piece List

Look at the boxes to see how many you will need!

STEP 2: Step One

Just follow the pictures!

STEP 3: Step 2

Again, follow the pictures!

STEP 4: How to Use

The pics tell it all! Then your done!!!


who's the white tank top guy? and were u sick that day cause u look drunk
Thank you for putting in enough steps so i was able to build it :)
I think we know what the pieces look like without you staring at them and looking mildly stoned.
could you not just shoot them with a knex gun??? it would hurt more...
This is for close combat! lol
lol, face combat!

if used incorrectly it may not hurt someone
thank you

Pointless should be postless. This is most definitely pointless.
You might have cracked a smile on one of these pictures.... This is supposed to be funny isn't it? (twang! aaah!)

yeah its just something fun to make

Well look like you think it fun - evil-grin? (please)

Not to mention infinitely more concealable :)