My Survival Kit


Intro: My Survival Kit

This is my basic survival kit. I carry it while hiking, backpacking, and camping. It is the basic summation of necessary survival tools and supplies. I recommend that you add different supplies based on your physical condition, and anything else you need.

STEP 1: The Bag

To carry and protect all your supplies, you need a good, strong bag. I have a waterproof dive bag.

STEP 2: Knives

For me the most important supply to keep in a kit is a strong knife. A strong knife has many uses. You can use it to split wood, skin game, make weapons, and a good knife has countless other uses.

STEP 3: Cordage

Cordage is very important. Carrying your own prevents you from having to make it out of roots and grass. (Not the easiest thing ever). I recommend bright colored para cord. It is light, and incredibly strong. You should carry about 50 feet. I also carry floss as a backup.

STEP 4: Bandana

A bandana can be used to filter water, cut to use as rope, and wrapped around your head to keep you cool and prevent you from getting sunburnt. It can also be used as a signaling device.

STEP 5: Light

Light is mostly for comfort and familiarity. However, light can help you be safe while walking around in the dark, it can scare off predators, and it can be used for signaling as well.

STEP 6: Fire

Very, very important! Fire keeps you warm, provides light, provides comfort, and can keep predators at bay. Carry many ways to start a fire in your kit.

STEP 7: Candles

Candles are a very handy thing to keep in your survival kit. You can use them for their light, as a little fire, or as a fire starter for bigger fires.

STEP 8: Fishing Kit

Very helpful when you are trying to find your next meal. Mine is held mostly in a small pill bottle. It contains 50 feet of fishing line, assorted lures, hooks of various sizes, snells, sinkers, barrel swivels, sinkers, a safety pin, and a bobber.

STEP 9: Sewing Kit

A sewing kit is mostly used for, you guessed it, sewing. It can also be used for the items inside. You can use the thread as cordage, and the needles as fishing hooks and to remove splinters.

STEP 10: Saw

The saw is very useful in cutting wood for a shelter or fire. A saw can also be used to cut the bones of large game.

STEP 11: Compass

A compass is used for navigation through the wilderness.

STEP 12: Plastic Bags

Very handy in your kit. The ziploc bag can be used as a backup for your kit, or for keeping materials dry. The garbage bags have many, many uses. You can use them as a poncho, a cover for your backpack, storage, or for waterproofing your shelter. And of course, for garbage.

STEP 13: Tin Foil

Tin foil has many uses. It can be used for signaling due to its reflective surface, if you fold it into a bowl you can use it to boil water, you can use it to cook over the fire, or to keep your fire off the wet ground.

STEP 14: Pamphlets and Books

You would use pamphlets and books mostly for the information in them. You could also use them for entertainment, and fire starters.

STEP 15: Medecine

The medicine you bring will depend on your health condition. I have a small tin of ibuprofen (painkillers) in case of headache or injury.

STEP 16: Your Personal Kit.

What you have In your kit ultimately depends on you. If you have a health condition then pack medicine in accordance. It also depends on the season and the environment you are going into. It all depends on you.
I hope this helps someone, happy camping.


just a thought on the lid of the Altoids box for medication, you could put a label inside the box (on the underside of the top part of the lid) so that if you couldn't get to it and say were injured others with you could give you the right medication without confusion.

I love this Instructable

Thank you


The chem lights need to stay in the foil wrappers. UV light will damage them. You can slightly tear open and squeeze out the air to save space. I would add water purification tabs.
I was just trying to give the basic items, thank you

I like the idea of the dive bag as a case. I think your kit is a good starting point for people to customize their own bag to keep with them when going out for a hike, camping, or just to leave in the car for long trips. Nice 'ible.

Thank you for the compliment, I would put some items In an edc kit, just lighter and smaller items. I will have to make and edc kit instructable soon, thank you for the comment
Everything is in there, except for the animal tracks and stars pamphlets, I just needed some examples.
Is all of that in there? Even all the books?

this is an excellent 'ible! very well done!

One question: do you have something similar in an EDC kit?