Nerf Nitefinder - Batgun


Intro: Nerf Nitefinder - Batgun

A few pictures of my spray painted Nitefinder.


First of, I highly doubt you have the "ORIGINAL" Batman comics, and even so, in the new 52 universe, he has never used guns, and he has stated before in all kinds of media that he doesn't use guns. I understand where you're coming from, but your argument is invallad. Oh and, by the way, *You *Batman *. *original *Batman *Batman *Robin *. *Give me *I *. (Message to author: I think that the Nerf Gun Is well made and awesome.)

you guys know nothing about batman I have one of the ORIGINAL batman comics and batman does use a gun his(also robins) code of conduct is he does not KILL with weapons gimme a minute and i will post the comic
and there is my proof
Ummmm... It's cool besides the fact that batman vowed never to use guns.
does not kill with guns
Ummm... you realize Batman never uses guns(other than grappling gun, or non-lethal devices.) But nice job.
Tranq gun? Hollow-point rounds? Bean-bags? "Gun" doesn't necessarily mean deadly.
.... dude you do know that hollow-point rounds are actualy more deadly than normal rounds?
they actually do something like 10 times more damage and i think are actually banned in the military under the geneva convention.... altho not 100% sure bout that.

just thought u should know so you dont go out and shoot one of ur m8s thinking its non leathal.
Have fun!
I did NOT know that. Thanks for the info, though I typically don't go around shooting my mates with anything but nerf darts or specially constructed safety arrows.
Add thread to the darts, it's a grappling gun!
In the Dark Knight, Batman uses a gun that shoots sticky time-bombs.
nice paint job dude did you mod it?????????????????????
DUDE! that light template thing is GENIUS!
If I may, I'd suggest replacing the "lazer" with a mini-mag light and, as I honestly intend on doing one of these myself (You've inspired me) I think I'll make the bat-signal by painting it onto the focus lens.
How did you get the paint the Nightfinder so neatly?
I didn't have any painter's tape, so IĀ used normal masking tape to cover up the parts I didn't want to spray paint.
cover the rest around the bat symbol black