Newspaper Bottle Opener


Intro: Newspaper Bottle Opener

How to open a bottle with a newspaper!! Newspaper bottle opener. Truely Amazing newspaper bottle opener. With the newspaper bottle opener trick you can win some money or beers! Use a newspaper as a bottle opener and win some beers. The Newspaper bottle opener will impress anyone. Make a bet with this bottle opener and make money. Newspaper bottle opener. Find this bottle opener Trick at: and more bottle opener Tricks at Bottle Opener - Amazing Bottle opener.


I've definitley gotta try this... when i turn 21(damn)
 hahaha 18 here in AU
you can drink at whatever age in my country because if someone does call, it takes the police about 20-30 min to get there
21....LOL move to holland and get drunk when ur 15 XD ( legally 16 but who needs ID)
Hell, there's chicks at my school that look twice as young as me and they get into clubs, get drunk and get smashed! I choose to obey the law, they choose not to obey the law. But it's not my position to judge so I digress...
Don't obey anyone
corona tastes like piss.
or you can do that for a favor when one of your parents ask you to open a beer bottle for them
i cant get it to work
Cool!!!! Im gonna try that with my uncle. He loves magic tricks
Takk!/thanks! :) 
wow nice trick................... really hard to figure out at starting but when u started folding the paper..............;) i knew what was going to come. well i use the table instead of the newspaper.. just put the bottle cap on the corner of the table and hit on ur hand viola u got it.................... thanks for the trick once again....♥
Not bad... I've always done the same thing with the non-business end of a lighter.
I just hope you don't smoke it! (X-X)
I gotta try this, nice job. ;-) Looks super easy too.
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