Introduction: Nixie Inspired 7 Segment Display

This Instructable is the first part of a bigger project : a desktop clock with 4 pseudo Nixie 7 segment digits.

I decided to publish a dedicated Instrcutable for the Nixie because I was highly inspired by an article read on hackaday (

Here is my version which looks promising. Stay tuned for the desktop clock.

The 7 segment is a one inch high 10016AS model. I will use a plexiglass tube to make it look like a nixie tube.

Step 1: The Grid

The grid is made with a metalic mesh I bought on internet.

It is shaped with pliers and painted in black.

Step 2: The Display

Between the display and the circuit, I inserted a Blue led (3mm size), drowned in hot glue to diffuse the glow.

The base circle is the size of the plexiglass tube.

Step 3: Painting

Painting in black with Tamiya paint.

Step 4: Preparing the 3 Others

After the prototype, I prepared the stuff to make the 3 others nixie.