No-Yeast Pizza Dough With Instant Snacks Topping


Intro: No-Yeast Pizza Dough With Instant Snacks Topping

Yeast is the chief ingredient of Pizza. But a delicious pizza can be made without it. Don't you believe it? Well try this recipe and you will definitely like it!

For Dough you will need:
white Flour 1 cup
Baking Powder 1 tsp
Salt 1/2 tsp
Cooking Oil 1/8 cup
Milk 1/3 cup

In this instructable, I have tripled the quantity of above mentioned ingredients, so that is why the quantity of dough appears more. You can do the same too easily.

STEP 1: Preparing the Topping!

For Topping you will need:
Tomato ketchup 1/2 cup
Red chilli powder 2 tsp
Salt 1/2 tsp
Instant Noodles
Frozen Kebabs or Nuggets
Mozzarella Cheese
Capsicum 1 or any vegetable of your choice

Prepare tomato sauce, noodles, kebabs/nuggets, grate the cheese and cut the capsicum.

STEP 2: Making the Pizza Base!

* the oven you will see in this instructable is homemade and actually my mother made it for me. It is so simple and my mother has a instructable of her own to show how it has been made with the title Homemade Oven for Cakes and Pizza.

The people with the regular ovens would bake this pizza as they do.


I got the cook time for regular ovens: 18-22 min @ 405 deg. May vary for others, but that's what I did. Let it rest for 5 minutes after cooked. Thanks for the recipe! You rock!
My children will be thrilled that I have a new pizza recipe that can be made so quickly with what we have around the house! Thank you so much for sharing! (Thank you also for the link to your Mother's instructable, very useful indeed!)