NodeMCU V3 Lolin V0.1 Fritzing Part - Fixed Lengh 28.7mm


Intro: NodeMCU V3 Lolin V0.1 Fritzing Part - Fixed Lengh 28.7mm

I have notice that, the NodeMCU Fritzing Part in many forum topics have a different length for NodeMCU V3 Lolin v0.1, where this version have 1.1 in ( 27,9mm) between pins.

For a better understanding about this mater please read on link before consider it in your projects.

STEP 1: Chose Your NodeMCU Part As Reference (.FZPZ)

1- Chose your reference part using as a base this video

a)Chose your nodeMCU v1 or V2 .fzpz file. You will notice that the distance between pin isn´t 1.1inchs for the V3 version.

b)See how you need to prepare the 5 files for editing

c)You only need to change the PCB and Breadboard .SVG Files

d)You need use Adobe Ilustrator for SVG files editing and export.

STEP 2: Save You New SVG Files Using Adobe Ilustrator

Save your SVG files using the follow format:

- "SVG Tiny 1.2" format and;

- UNCHECKING THE "FLEXIBLE" or in english version: "Responsible" box, as showed in a foto(Spanish Version but is easy to understand).

-Export the Bradboard and PCB new files

STEP 3: .FZPZ File Generation

The FZPZ file is a simple ZIP FILE in truth. For FZPZ file generation you will need:

1-Select the 5 files how showed in a first step video (including the one FZP and two SVG files)

2-Zip them using you prefered zip aplication

3-Rename the zip file (.ZIP) to .FZPZ

STEP 4: Import to Fritzzing a FZPZ File

1- Load the Fritzing Application

2-Open a new document

3-Import a new part clicking in a Component window where you see tiny red lines in a right side of windows and using a right side click of mouse and chose Import.

4-Chose the FZPZ archive the you generated in a step before.

5-You have to notice that your new part will be in a MINE carpet

6-So, leave Fritzing keeping the import part.


Si desea los Pines del Nodemcu en el PCB están más gruesos,pega este archivo en el directorio y remplazar , SI,

C: \ Users \ usuario \ Documents \ Fritzing \ parts \ svg \ user \ pcb

Thanks for sharing :)