Introduction: Obstacle Avoiding Robot Using L298n Motor Driver
hello guys today we will make thisrobot.. hope u enjoy it
FOR making this osm robot u will need a few things.. which are-
arduino uno/nano
ultrasonic sensor (hcsr04)
mini breadbord
servo motor(sg90)
2 geared motors
motor wheels
L298n motor driver
jumper cables.
Step 2: Assembling....
now take your chassis an assemble the motors and caster wheel
after u have done this take ur L298n and using some double sided tape attach it to your chassis
now with thw same technique attach the breadboard , arduino uno , and servo motor.and ultrasonic sensor
after u have attached this ur robot would look something like...
Step 3: Connections
now u have to make the connections...
Step 4: Connections (image)
hooray u have made ur robot now all u need is ur code i am giving it right here->
Step 5:
i hope u enjoyed the instructions any suggestions are open