Introduction: Old Style Wooden Chopsticks
Make wooden chopsticks
Whittling knife
Sunflower seed oil
Paper towels
Measuring tape
Sunflower seed oil
Paper towels
Measuring tape
Step 1: Finding Materials
Find a small branch that is strong, and has a long enough strait section for two chopsticks, at least 30 cm. You can cut it using shears, then remove extra twigs
Step 2: Measuring
Measure your wood, and cut excess off. Cut a bit extra just in case.
Step 3: Cutting
Cut stick exactly in half using the measuring tape.
Step 4: Whittling
Remove bark first, and cut off stumps. Sharpen the front of the chopsticks, not a point but to a slant. Adjust the width to a width that fits your hand, then adjust length so that their even.
Step 5: Decorate
You can put grooves in the wood with a symbol or letters
Step 6: Sanding
Sand down wood until it feels smooth, and round top of chopstick.
Step 7: Oiling
Put sunflower seed oil on a paper towel, and then rub it over chopsticks. Repeat until wood does not absorb any more oil