Introduction: Old TV Ambient LED Light With Kodi

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That is an instructable about low budget ambient light. I use Banana pi for Kodi because it is faster, but you can simply install it to the Raspberry pi.

Step 1: Get All the Parts

1. 12v DC Power supply - 17.85 USD

2. 5A Step down conventer - 5.13 USD

3. Banana Pi M3 - 79.99 USD

4. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B -42.50 USD

5. Led strip WS2811 - 12.50 USD

or WS2812B Led strip - 21.36 USD


1. Soldering iron

2. Some wires

Step 2: Mount the Led Strip

You can use the WS2811 or WS2812b led strip. The WS2811 runs on 12VDC. The WS2812b run on 5VDC. I use the WS2811 because of the 12v power supply.

First glue the led strip on the back of you TV, pay atention on the direction of the led strip. You have six wires to coonect:
VCC - go to +12V powwer suply.
DIN - data in go to the Raspberry Pi GPIO pin 18.
GND - go to ground on the power supply

VCC out - go to the +12V on the next led strip
DOUT - go to the DIN on the next led strip
GND out - go to the GND on next led strip

and so on...

Step 3: Prepare the Banana Pi

The first step is download the Android image for Banana pi and install it to eemc. I use the Banana pi because it is a lot faster from the Raspberry, but you can install Kodi to the raspberry pi.

After burning the image install Kodi and Autostart, the autostart app is used yust to start Kodi on startup.

Run Kodi and go to:
Settings > Add-ons > Install from respitory > Kodi respitory > Services > Kodi Boblight
and press install.

After installation pres configure and enter the IP adress from the raspberry pi.

Step 4: Wire Everything Together

I frst added a usb port to my step down converter and a connector for my banana pi. After thath connect the led strip and stepdown converter to the power suply.

Connect the power suply to line and check the output voltage on the power suply and the step down converter.

Power suply output voltage is 12V, stepdown converter voltage is 5V.

If everithin works unplug the power suply and connect the Banana pi and the Raspberry pi to the power suply and to the ethernet switch. The led strip DIN wire go to the Raspberry pi GPIO pin 18.

Step 5: Prepeare the Raspberry Pi

Download and install Raspbian. After that is done go to Boot folder and add a new text document and rename it to "SSH" and delete the extension.

Step 6: Set Up the Software

Download and install HyperCon from the link below:

Go to Hardware and set the type to WS281x(RPi3) and enter amount of the led's.

Then go to process and enable smoothing.

After that go to Grabber and enable internal frame graber.

Then go to External and enable Kodi Checker and enter the IP adress from the Banana pi and enable Boblight.

Press save and then press Create Hyperion Configuration and save it.

Go to SSH, enter raspberry pi IP adress, username, password abd hit connect. After you pc is connected pres install Hyperion wait about 5min. to the mesage rebooting. Then press Local Config Path and choice your Hyperion Configuration and pres Send Config. After thats done pres Start and you Led strip shoud light up.

Step 7: Apps

If everithing is working you can use you Android phone an install app that also can control the led srip

"Hyperion Free"

and app for controling the Kodi remotly


Thanks and sorry for my bad English