Introduction: Old Wood Log to a Planter

About: Hi, I'm Yaron, A proud father of 3, A software engineer by trade and a creator by DNA. My love for building things started at an early age working with my dad over the summers, now this love fills my free time…

Turn old wood log info plant hang with minimal materials

Step 1: Materials

Wood log
3 x 20cm Iron sticks
1 x 50cm Iron stick
3 baskets
9 Iron chains
3 Iron hooks

Step 2: Assembly

1. Using a drill, punch 3 holes in the log where you want put the 20cm Iron sticks.
Drill a other hole at the buttom and stick the 50cm stick (used to anchor the log to the ground).
2. Attach 3 chains to a hook on one slde and to the basket on the other slde, then place your plant in each basket.
3. Place the log using the anchor and hang the baskets.

Step 3: Done!
