Ombre Ribbon Makeup Bag


Intro: Ombre Ribbon Makeup Bag

This unique and colorful makeup was actually inspired by Mark Montano's Ribbon makeup bags! I said unique and color because the ribbons take in the form of an ombre effect! Here's how you can achieve yours!

STEP 1: Materials List

To make this, you will need to gather the following items:

  • a sewing machine
  • thread
  • a 8.5 x 11 inch sheet of paper
  • fabric (one will be for your base of the bag, and the other will be for your lining)
  • scissors
  • straight pins
  • ribbons in 4 to 5 different colors, but within the same color family (I'm using the red color family)
  • zippers (10 inches or longer)

STEP 2: Prep Fabric

First, pin an 8.5 x 11 inch sheet of paper to one of the fabrics (in this case, the main fabric), and cut to that same size. Do the same with your lining, and you will have two pieces of fabric to work with. Here, I'm using a floral print fabric for the main fabric, and a piece of an old pink t-shirt for the lining.

STEP 3: Add Ribbon

Next, cut about 5 pieces of ribbon to 11 inches long, pin each piece in place, and sew them the long way using a zigzag stitch.

STEP 4: Add Zipper

Now, grab a zipper (10 inches or longer), and sew it on one side of the fabric using a straight stitch.. Then, fold the fabric over, and sew the other side, sandwiching the zipper within the fabric.

STEP 5: Add the Lining

Do the same thing with the lining. Again, you are sandwiching the zipper with the fabric by trapping the zipper inside of it, for a complete, finished look.

STEP 6: Complete the Bag

Now, to complete the bag, cut off the end of the zipper only (if your zipper is longer than 10 inches). Then, straight stitch the bottom of the bag (going over the zipper as well). Then, do the same on the other side, however, you're going to leave about a 2 inch hole in the lining.

Then, turn the bag right side out from inside the lining, and stitch the hole in the lining closed.

STEP 7: Add a Ribbon

If you want, as well, you can cut off a slither of ribbon and tie it to the zipper to make a ribbon pull!

STEP 8: Done!

You can make this makeup bag using different colors of ribbons. However, make sure that when doing the ombre effect, choose a color scheme in which one color will fade into more of a lighter version / shade. My ombre effect for the makeup bag goes like this: dark red-ruby red-hot pink-light pink-linen white.


Very cute bag! I love the color choice and I just love your sewing machine! Pink is the best :)