On-the-go Ipod Touch Case


Intro: On-the-go Ipod Touch Case

When I first got my ipod, it was shiny and polished, just beautiful. I then touched it and the back become a war zone for finger prints. We all know how expensive ipod cases can be. They can range from $20 to $200 depending if it is hard-shell, or has an extra battery, or a hand-made leather one made from Armani leather slippers. This ipod touch case is definitly on the go and cheap.

STEP 1: Supplies

All you need is:

8x10 piece of printer paper
Marker (optional)
Scotch Tape

STEP 2: Trace

On your piece of paper (higher, than wider) , from the bottom, measure a line about 2.5-2.75 cm from the botton up. Then from left to right, measure a point at 6.5 cm and 13.5 centimeters. Trace a vertical line at those 2 points. Then place a horizontal line across the paper where the top of your ipod is.

STEP 3: Color

 If you would like, color your case any way you would like. In my case, with a thin sharpie, I just made a few bubbles and put my logo on it. If you would like some inspiration, go to
www.gelaskins.com and look around at their cases.

STEP 4: Cut

Cut out the four corners you should have on your paper. Then begin by folding either the left or right flap into where the opposite flap begins. Before taping, to the same with the opposite flap.

STEP 5: Tape

Now tape the second flap to the first one. Next fold up the bottom flap, and tape. You should now have a small pouch with a large flap out of the top. You can cut the flap in half horizontally and tuck it inside the pouch. Your ipod should loosely fit into it.


It might scratch up the ipod
Thanks! I will try to make an insturctable on an ipod nano case, and a ipod shuffle case!
didn't mean to add all those pics....