Introduction: Open Source Pezio Shoes
In this project I’ll show you how to make open source Pezio shoes. Basically you can add a battery or charge circuit to make green energy.
A Shoe
Quick dry epoxy
Pezio module (can be found on amazon or in an old lighter)
X-Acto knife
A battery or charge circuit depending on what you’re making.
Step 1: Cutting the Shoe
Place the Peizo module on the spot you want it to be. Then outline it with a sharpie. Take your X-Acto knife and cut out the area.
Step 2: Soldering
Solder some wires to the Pezio module. I chose red because my shoes were red. It’s your choice.
Step 3: Epoxy the Pezio
Mix epoxy A with B and mix. Pour the mixture into the hole. And place the Pezio module in the hole. Make sure the Epoxy doesn’t get in any of the holes on the Pezio device.
Step 4: Test It Out
Walk around a bit, make sure it’s comfortable and doesn’t fall off. Enjoy!