Introduction: Opening the Instructables Card Game

About: I'm all about Making and Mental Health. Reach out if you need a chat .
Several of us got our cards at the first-ever UK Instructables Meet-Up.  This is me opening my deck.

OK, so I get a little bit over-excited, but I have never been *in* a game before.

You must have heard of the Instructables Card Game by now (if not, why not??).  So, when you have been suitably inspired and motivated by this little contribution (filmed by Jayefuu), you should click here to buy a pack, funding the UK Instructables presence at the next UK Maker Faire.

If you look carefully, you can see where my wrists are "sunburned" by the TIG welding I'd been doing all that day.

(Oh, and siliconghost gets a special mention)

(And I have just realised that posting this video has made the stats wrong on my card!)