Introduction: Origami Flying Saucer (really Flies)

This is a really easy flying saucer that really floats a little bit if you spin it in the air kind of like a frisbee, but not try to throw it.

Step 1: Beginning

Fold your paper (it needs to be big) in half both ways.

Step 2: Fold Corners

Fold all the corners into the middle and flip the paper over.

Step 3: Fold OTHER Corners to the Middle

... Fold the other corners to the middle

Step 4: Fold (little)

Fold all the inside corners a little ways to the middle. It doesn't matter how far, just make sure they are all equal. Make them stick straight up.

Step 5: Fold

Fold the corners to the edges of the little corners and unfold them a little bit. Flip over.

Step 6: Again...

Just like before, fold the inside corners out a little bit. Again, make sure they are all even.

Step 7: Finished

Good job! To make it fly, spin it in the air.