Out of the Can and Into One Pot--Quick Chili


Intro: Out of the Can and Into One Pot--Quick Chili

Out of the can because as you can see that most of the ingredients are from a can. This is why it is Quick, it is already 90% cooked. Only the ground meat and onions needs the fire to be fully cooked.

STEP 1: Cooking

For a one pan meal use deep large bottom pan. Start with 1/2 cup water at a boil, add meat. Crumble meat and as it begins to cook add onions and spices. Continue to cook while adding canned ingredients and salsa. When onions are cooked let simmer for three minutes.


STEP 2: Serving Suggestion

This is a complete meal with a little salad, a bread, a glass of wine and thou.


Sounds like a tasty one pot meal :)

You should consider entering the One Pot Challenge!
Thank you. I though I had entered it into the 1 pot Challenge.
This recipe is almost what i do. I use 1lb ground beef, 1lb beans (one 16oz Can), 1lb tomato sauce (one 16oz can), 1 premade seasoning packet, two 12oz cans of Rotel: drained, and 1 medium onion: chopped/diced and sautéed.

I usually make a double batch because i like using black beans and kidney beans.
Yes I often go full vegetarian and replace the meat with chunky carrots and broccoli.