Rocket Launcher


Intro: Rocket Launcher

 The P.A 1 rocket launcher should have a range from 50 - 100.ft, is made of PVC, and weighs around 3 pounds for portability, and is 4.ft x, in size, this gives it great maneuverability, For a scope i used a small magnified lazor pointer.

I am not responsibly for any or a injure, or involvement with the law on your part, so think safety! Be sure to where proper protection and be sure to secure all protection

STEP 1: Supplies and Tools


double AA battorie back
speaker wire
trigger switch
regular switch
red led
air soft handle grip
metal ellbows
18 nails
metal ellbows

electrical tape
soldering gun
skill saw ( for cutting pvc)

STEP 2: Missile Silo

 The missile silo consistent of two main PVC barrels, the main Barrel is x 2 ft and the secondary is x 3.ft

STEP 3: Handel

the handle is of three pvc pieces one the resisting handle , is x
The bridge , witch offers support between the two barrels by holding them in place in x

The main handle is x  and sits on top of the bridge


Attach the bridge ,and handles by using metal elbows , you may need to bend them to fit right.
  skew them together if possible, and mask with duck tape.

STEP 4: Firering Mechanism

I used a double AA batteries pack for a power source, a trigger switch , (for a trigger), and a regular switch as a safety.

use speaker wire for the main led , it is cheap and inexpensive , perfect for replacement in case it comes in contact with the rockets fire.

(A great ignition for this is the little solar ignition that come in the rocket engine packs.)

I took a old air soft pistol handle grip, and taped it over the main handle and tucked the wires inside of the grip for safety. ( best grip for this type of gun)

STEP 5: Fire Indicator

the fire indicator is a red led hooked up to the two ends of the speaker wire, this gives a caution sign to the operator.

strip a small section of the speaker wire and then use electrical tape to help separate the two led wire leads, and then use the electrical tape to secure the led to the barrel.

i will post better pics soon.