Introduction: PB&J Muffins

About: Wife, nanny, baker, soon-to-be-mommy! I love creating yummy, healthy recipes!

The classic PB&J sandwich in healthy, muffin form!! Gluten free, no flour, no sugar, and delicious!

Step 1: PB&J Muffins


1 scoop MTS peanut butter fluff protein powder (30g)

1/2 cup canned pumpkin (120g)

3 T egg substitute (46g)

2 T PB2 (12g)

2 T sugar free jelly (34g)

1/2 t vanilla

1/2 t baking powder

sweetener to taste


Add everything but the jelly into a bowl and mix.

If it seems too thick, add a little milk.

Fill muffins cup with batter about 3/4 of the way.

Put a dollop of jelly in the middle of each muffin and push it down.

Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes.



You can sub vanilla protein if you don't have peanut butter

Any nut butter or peanut butter will work in place of PB2