Introduction: PHONE STAND
In this instructables I will show you how to make a phone stand.
Step 1: TOOLS
We need :
- electric saw
- the ruler
- sand paper
- plexiglass
- electric saw
- the ruler
- sand paper
- plexiglass
Step 2: The Components #1
We cut the components whit electric saw. The components have imperfections. Thes can be removed whit sand paper.
Step 3: The Components #2
The components were cut.
Now we need a meccano components:
- 6 nuts
- 6 bolts
- 2 washers
- others
Now we need a meccano components:
- 6 nuts
- 6 bolts
- 2 washers
- others
Step 4: Assembling the Top Part
For assembling we need :
- meccano keys
- glue
- scissors
- red and white band
Step 1...
We cover the short components whit white band, and big components whit red band. Don't cover the hole ! is the hole for camera.
Step 2...
Assembling the phone holder.
Glue the short components to big components.
We done the top part !!
- meccano keys
- glue
- scissors
- red and white band
Step 1...
We cover the short components whit white band, and big components whit red band. Don't cover the hole ! is the hole for camera.
Step 2...
Assembling the phone holder.
Glue the short components to big components.
We done the top part !!
Step 5: Assembling the Middle Part
For assembling the middle part we need the meccano components.
Assemble as shown in pictures.
Assemble as shown in pictures.
Step 6: Final Assembling
Now we glue the top part to middle part to basis.