PVC Pipe Lamp


Intro: PVC Pipe Lamp

This is the final picture of a very simple lamp made with scraps of PVC pipes. If you don´t have it in your place you can easily find it in a garbage of a construction area because it is used in hydraulic system of buildings.

Check the step-by-step of how to make it in VOQ blog: http://www.viraroque.blogspot.com/

We show there simple, creative and easy-to-do products that you can make whit the old objects that you have in your house. So you can renew and recreate your space without spending money.


We also sell them through our blog =)
Those look really nice! What kind of bulbs are you using? Seems like regular incandescent would get warm enough to melt the plastic!
Yes, we are using fluorescent light bulbs for that!