PVC Portable Shower


Intro: PVC Portable Shower

This is a simple and neat little project that came about after training one day. On Wednesdays I train in the mornings and go straight to work, although I have enough time to cool off, it's not enough time to go home and shower and the showers at work don't always function. My instructor suggested a hose right out of the back of his studio. So I went to Home Depot and went looking for a hose. Than I realized a hose would cost as much as PVC. So I bought PVC piping and made a small detachable shower. Works for me! Many ways you can make this. I just kept it simple.


I'm am the coordinator for our Hospital Emergency Response Team including chemical, biological, nuclear incidences. You have no idea how expensive ยช emergency showers can be... This will simplify things a bit, also, I can run them in series for multiple showers.
Yes you can run them in the series of showers but just remember the more showers you have the more water pressure you need
Always look for the good in every comment. What might not work the way one person has it but with the changes another person has might make it the greatest invention ever made.

regarding running these in series.... watch out for your water pressure dropping substantially. also i might suggest using a set of 45 degree angles (in the shape of a "Y") instead of the straight 90s as it will improve the flow rate of the water. Either way, this is a good suggestion for an emergency situation.

@badfroger that's awesome!! I'm glad I could help! :)
Sorry no parts list. It is basic pvc construction with 3/4" pipes and joints.
Do you have a parts list of any instructions?