Packing Tape Image Transfers


Intro: Packing Tape Image Transfers

In this instructable, I'll teach you how to transfer laser printed or photocopied images to packing tape.

This process also works with hot glue or clear caulk -- the transfer won't be as clear, though.

STEP 1: Materials

You will need:

- packing tape
- scissors
- the image you want to transfer
- a basin
- water

STEP 2: Printing and Cutting

Print out the picture you want to transfer. This method works with laser printers, and photocopiers -- I'm just not sure about inkjet printers.

Once you've printed your picture, cut it out to save paper.

STEP 3: Tape

Tape over your image. I suggest at least two layers of tape, to prevent the tape from seperating.

Once you've taped up your picture, you can trim the edges of the tape.

STEP 4: Soak and Rub

Fill your basin with water, and soak your image in it.

Once you've soaked the image for a while, rub it's back. The paper should come of easily.

STEP 5: Finished!

You're finished!

Now, go find a use for your paper pulp.


Be a little more specific. What water use, how long you hold it ...

I use hot water with a little soap in it. The key is to get the paper wet enough that it will ball when you run your finger over it. Then dunk again in the water and rub some more. Total time to remove paper is less than a minute.

I do not get. I used inkjet printer and keep it in hot water. Friction fell and paper and ink.

Help ! I tried this, I printed "Treats" soaked it water for couple min. then pealed off the paper and nothing. What am I doing wrong ?

wow nice idea i will post afterwards that for what i used this :)
Yes, when they dry they are still fairly sticky.
Is the tape still sticky?
can someone say easy car decal???
Awesome! any way to transfer it onto something else?
Ok, now that I've said that, I realize that you could stick the tape to whatever you want. So yes, in a way, you can transfer it to "something else".
I was thinking more of the toner transfer method, but yeah, this would work fine.
Good idea! I'm going to try this sometime.
Now to find the packing tape....
That's so cool! Great job, I am going to try this out for sure. +1 rating. (added to favorites)