Introduction: Paper,pencil,a Touchsensing Glove and an Wireless Robot!!
Hello there!thank you,the instructable community for all your support.This is my second instructable and i would request all the tech buddies to pardon my mistakes and provide the very encouragement which u had given to me on my first i'ble.OK now coming to the i'ble:
Don't have a touchscreen shield?(like me)
Do u have a paper,pencil and a glove??
Do u want to make a touchsensing glove made with your paper and pencil???
Then,you have just landed up in the right place.
About the glove:
> usual glove having an unusual touchscreen
> the pencil drawings on the paper(glove) are the control buttons for the bot
> touching the pencil drawings moves the bot,lights up the bot and sounds the bot.
About the robot:
> has two dc motors
> has a rgb led which shines red when the bot is at rest and green when moving
> has a horn to warn
> has a head light
(and all these functions controlled by your unusual yet a hi-tech touchscreen on your glove wirelessly)
at the end of all,please do not hesitate to support and encourage me through your votes.
Step 1: Divide and Rule..!
for the makers convinience,dividing the project and assembling it is a efficient way to go.
the divisions here are:-
> mechanical part of the bot
> electronics part of the bot and touchscreen
> programming part of the bot and touchscreen
> pre assembly part
> the assembly
Step 2: Mechanical Part of the Bot
if u have already made or wish to make your own chassis,u can go ahead(only in order to save ur valuable time) ,others can continue with the procedure.
materials required.::>
> 2*dc geared themotors(1)
> 2*hobby wheels(2)
> 1*perforated metal connector(3)
> 1*ball caster wheel(4)
> 3* studs(5)
> plastic chassis board
> 2* L shaped clamp
> double sided tape
> transparent tape
> screws and thus a screw driver
> nuts and bolts
Step 3: Making the Chassis
> first fix the two L shaped clamp to the dc geared motors by the means of screws as shown
> then fix the two clamped dc motors to the metal connector in the way as shown(i concluded that this way has the best symmetry for maintaining efficiently the balance of the bot)
> fix the two wheels to the motors
> fix the chassis board to the thus assembled bot with the help of studs and screws.
> fix another stud to the front part of the chassis in the center and connect the ball caster wheel to it
this finishes the mechanical part of the robot.
Step 4: Electronic Part of the Bot and Touchscreen
components and materials required:::>
> 2* arduino boards(i used uno) and a usb connector for uploading the codes
> 1* breadboard
> few female-male jumpers and few more male-male jumpers
> 433 MHz transmitter and reciever
> L293 motor driver ic
> resistors (3* 1M ohm and 3* 4.7M ohm)
> rgb led module
> 9V batteries
> buzzer
> white led(i plucked it from a mosquito raquet)
> 1*battery connector (for the ic)
> 2*battery connector with jack (for powering the arduinos)
> soldering gun and stand
Step 5: Glove and Touchscreen Part
well,the introtold about converting your paper and pencil into touchscreen.
but!how exactly do we achieve this??
here's where the concept of capacitance comes to aid.
ever heard of capacitive touchscreen.most of our smartphones house this capacitive touchscreen.
what we are about to make is the most basic version of this.
ideas involved here
> good electric conductivity of graphite(yes graphite,the same material in ur pencil lead)
> capacitance between our finger and the graphite
material required::>
> of course a paper and a pencil(choose a pencil of 2HB or higher,for better results)
> scissors
> ur glove
> trace out the shape of the glove on a white clear paper and cut out the traced part.
> attach one of the arduinos to the back part of the glove using double sided tape
> connect 6 male-female jumpers to analog pins as shown in the circuit
> go ahead and draw(darker and connected) symbols like straight,left,horn etc on ur cut paper with a pencil as shown
> from the female part of the connected jumpers connect resistors in such a way that no two adjacent resistors have the same value(this is to ensure that capacitance between adjacent drawings do not influence each other greatly)
> then connect the open end of resistors to your respective symbols with the help of cellophane tape and also cover up ur symbols drawn with it.(this is done so as not to mess up ur finger when u touch and also scientifically,not to change the capacitance)
>there are many capacitance related libraries in the arduino libraries .Most capacitive touch libraries require two pins and a large resistor to acquire precise readings.the library which we are going to make use of makes use of the AVRs internal wiring to get decent resolution with just a single pin.
> lastly connect the transmitter as shown in the circuit diagram.
ur glove is now technically ready
Step 6: Robot Part
> first of all mount the bread board on the so far assembled chassis using double sided tape.
> place the ic and reciever on the bread board.
> make connections to the motor driver as shown
pin 4,5,12,13 to gnd
pin 1,9,16 to +5v(vcc)
pin 3,6 to left motor(output)
pin 11,14 to right motor(output)
pin 2,7,10,15 to pins 8,9,10,7 of receiver arduino(inputs)
pin 8 to 9V battery
>make connections to receiver as shown
pin vcc to +5v(vcc)
pin gnd of receiver to gnd of receiving arduino.
pin data to pin 11 of arduino
>>refer to the circuit for connections.
> further connect buzzer(horn) to pin 12 of receiver arduino
> led to pin 13 of receiver arduino
Step 7: Programming Part of the Bot and Touchscreen
softwares reqired::>
> arduino ide
extra libraries required::>
> virtual wire
> ADCTouch
get it here-
Step 8: Pre-assembly
i have noticed that many of the instructables involving dc motors don't give a clear explanation on determining,initially the direction of the motors.So in order to tackle this,i have come up with this small piece of code and connections
1)determining the direction of robot:(required for modifying the main receiver code )
make connections to the motor driver as shown
pin 4,5,12,13 to gnd
pin 1,9,16 to +5v(vcc)
pin 3,6 to left motor(output)
pin 11,14 to right motor(output)
pin 2,7,10,15 to pins 8,9,10,7 of receiver arduino(inputs)
pin 8 to 9V battery
download and run the code .(motortesting.ino)
if the bot moves forward,then its well and good else tweak around the output states of the pins 8,9,10,7 of arduino by giving other combinatons like HIGH,LOW,HIGH,LOW etc till u achieve forward motion.
<<<<>>> after attaining the right combination u need to modify the same in the main receiver code.
Step 9:
2) determining the threshold values( your threshold values are required in the main transmitter code)
ignore the transmitter connections on the glove(transmitter arduino) for a moment and focus on the touch screen connections.
download the code and upload it.(threshold.ino)
by opening the serial monitor note down the threshold values for each pencil symbol(fwd,revrse,horn,light...etc)
add about 5 units to each (this is done in order to deal with stray capacitances)
<<<>>> u need to modify the main transmitter code with ur threshold values
Step 10: Assembly
after determining ur thresholds for various symbols reconnect the transmitter and download the code(transmitter_instr.ino) AND PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO CHANGE THE THRESHOLD VALUES
then upload it to ur glove(transmitter arduino)
after getting ur combinations right download the receiver code(reciever_instr.ino)
then upload it to ur robot(receiver arduino)