Introduction: Party Popper BB Launcher

About: I am a 13 year old boy that is obsessed with inventing, modifying and building. I love being in the outdoors where I test most of my projects. My partner in crime is JC Industry 2 who helps me with many of the…
The Materials You Will Need:
Party Popper

Step 1: Take Out the Insides

Take the cardboard piece out and remove all confetti.

Step 2: Load Your Weapon

Put 5-10 bbs or pellets in. (Any more could overload your creation and it won't work)

Step 3: Finish Weapon

Put the cardboard piece back in the party popper

Step 4: Fire!!!

Pull the string and let a rip!

Step 5:

This is my first instructable and was a smaller project than what will be put on later.