Patriotic Hat Ornament


Intro: Patriotic Hat Ornament

I saw the contest, and was very eager to join. This was a great project to do in my CADD class at school, and just a fun project in general. Please vote for me and enjoy!

STEP 1: Step 1: the Ornament!

Attached is the file for the Patriotic Hat Ornament. Print on 0.1 mm, and with or without supports based on your printer's abilities. Enjoy!


If anyone prints this please share a picture, I'd love to see how it comes out!

Very patriotic, you have my vote!

Thank you very much! I appreciate the comment and thanks for voting!

Ooh, I like this ornament. Uncle sam would be proud!

For the ornament contest, the file needs to be an .stl file. Can you share it as such?

Looks good! Good luck in the contest!