Peanut Candies (Irresistible!)


Intro: Peanut Candies (Irresistible!)

You only need three ingredients and some minutes to prepare this delicious candies for your children. These candies are known as Garrapiñadas


MMMMMMMMMMMM... rico, rico, no tenía la receta de la garrapinhada, gracias!!!. Tu gato se parece a mi Chimoltrufia...
Translated:, rich, it did not have the recipe of the garrapinhada, thank you!!!. Your cat looks alike to my Chimoltrufia...
i bet if u add cinnamon to it it will taste like the ones u get at fairs
 Is there anyway to make these spicy as well as sweet? I was thinking of putting some chili powder in with the peanuts to see if that works with it. 
How long do these keep? I want to make them now and keep em stored til xmas. Will they still taste great and fresh after a week or so?
You can also frozen them... I used to eat these candies frozen when I was younger
YES! Surely you can make them now and eat them on xmas!!
Hey, could i try putting honey, golden syrup, mayple syrup or stuff in it?
Yes, you can add some honey  but you should replace the suggar
Can you make this with Splenda instead of sugar?
I haven't tried buy I don't think it will work
Mmmmmmmmmmmm -Mmmmm, Chris
I've just made some with some cashew nuts... absolutly delicious! Thank you for the 'ible!
I imagine! Can you please rate the instrutable if you liked it? :) Thanks
Just made batch of these for my Spanish class project. They are very delicious!
seems good and you have a cat
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