Peanut Butter Chocolate Frozen Fudge


Intro: Peanut Butter Chocolate Frozen Fudge

Quick and easy. Its a frozen peanutbutter chocolate frozen treat or use as a toping. (keep this treat frozen) I had a 5 year old make this (I helped with the microwave) this is my first to get posted so yea sorry if it sucks.

STEP 1: What You Need

You need
2tbls sugar
1/8cup of milk
1tsp of half and half or steal one from a coffee shop the lil ones
2tbls chocolate syrup
1tbls of peanut butter
1pack of muffin cups

STEP 2: Now Mix the Chocolate and Peanut Butter

Now mix the chocolate and peanut butter.

STEP 3: Now Add the Rest

Add the milk half and half and sugar and mix it all up intill u get a runny soup like mix.

STEP 4: Now Microwave It

Only for a minute though its all you need.

STEP 5: Stir Again

just incase some seperated.

STEP 6: Now Pour

pour it into muffin cupps about 1/4 way up

STEP 7: Freeze and Enjoy

it take a couple of hours to freeze and keep it frozen and you can use it on any thing you like too for a topping but its good by its self as well with some cool wip and a cherry on top.


you use the word frozen a lot. frozen peanut butter chocolate frozen fudge frozen its frozen! :D
gtg try this
you should double the recipe, mine only made 2
I guess you havn't logged on in a while
meh anyway, you should make an instructable every week!
Really good! id rate plus 1 but i don't know how! please tell!
That looks really good! A real simple Instructable, but I like those! Less reading! Great job! +1.
awesome and very good and kudos u got this on front page!
Looks good... and made with stuff I already have...
Unless I don't own any half-and-half...
yea use a 1/2 a tsp of cream thats what half and half is 1/2 cream and 1/2 milk or even whole milk work too i was usein 2%
Just try using cream