Pearl Earrings in Minutes - Girl With a Pearl Earring


Intro: Pearl Earrings in Minutes - Girl With a Pearl Earring

Supply and tools you require to make pearl earrings :

- round nose plier

- Wire Cutter

- 2 x drilled pearls ( I used 8mm pearls)

- 2 x ear wires

- 2 x headpins ( I used 0.5mm or 25 gauge , 1" or 25mm long )

thats all .....

STEP 1: String the Pearl on the Headpin

STEP 2: Bend the Pin Into a Loop

STEP 3: Twist It Around Itself Twice

STEP 4: Cut the Wire Short

STEP 5: Hang It on a Eariwre

STEP 6: Your Earring Is Ready !

STEP 7: Here Is the Girl With Pearl Earring VIDEO Tutorial

To learn wire crochet check :