Introduction: Pencil Pouch Survival Kit-EASY
This is an easy survival kit made from things lying around your house. You will most likely not need to buy anything. It includes the basics and nescesities of survival.
Step 1: What You Will Need
Pencil Pouch
Lighter- not pictured
Matches- Waterproof and normal- not pictured
Electrical Tape
Trash Bag
Battery and metallic gum wrappers(to start a fire) - not pictured
Anti-fungal Cream
Sandwich Bag
Antacid Tablets
30 ft of rope
Dental Floss
3 fishing hooks
2 razors
A little bit of aluminum foil
garbage bag
Step 2: Almost Done
Wrap the hooks and razors with electrical tape. Place all of the first aid items in the baggie.
Step 3: Done!
Place all items in the pouch, big items first. You are done!
Step 4: Comment!
PLS! More instructables soon on survival.