Introduction: Penguin Bot
Make a simple paper penguin bot using only paper, scissors, and tape or a glue stick.
Step 1: To Make the Penguin Bot:
1. Print out the Penguin Bot pattern.
Step 2: Cut Out the Penguin Bot.
Carefully cut out your penguin bot on the dotted lines.
Step 3: Fold
Fold the penguin bot on the solid lines. Make all folds except for the feet and lower flippers away from the face of the bot.
Step 4: Tabs a and B
Insert tabs A and B into slots A and B.
Step 5: Tab C
Insert tab C into the top of the bot.
Step 6: Flippers
Using double-sided tape or a glue stick, fasten the upper (rectangular) parts of the flipper to the body.
Step 7: Ready!
Your penguin bot is ready to go!